Tizi-Ouzou – Les habitants de Timizart ferment le siège de la poste depuis trois jours


Depuis trois jours, le bureau de la poste de la localité de Timizart, 35 km au nord-est de Tizi-Ouzou, est fermé par les habitants de la région. Le siège de ce bureau sis au chef lieu communal, Souk El Had, est inaccessible par les usagers. La réception du public se fait, depuis deux mois, à travers la fenêtre en guise de guichet. Cette décision a soulevé l’ire des villageois qui la considèrent comme une humiliation. Les responsables du secteur des postes ont décidé de fermer ce bureau, suite au braquage qui a eu lieu par un groupe armé le 15 février dernier. Une attaque qui s’est soldée par la subtilisation de deux millions de dinars, pour rappel.

« Si les services de sécurité ne peuvent pas assurer la sécurité d’un bureau de poste, qu’ils déposent leurs armes. Que font tous ces policiers, gendarmes et militaires en Kabylie alors ? », se demande un habitant de Timizart. Les comités de villages de cette localité réclament la réouverture de ce poste et sa sécurisation.

« Nous ne sommes pas des mendiants. Les services de la poste ne nous rendent pas service. Nous sommes des clients et nous payons la moindre prestation, donc nous devons être accueillis dans les meilleures conditions possibles. C’est indigne de la part de ces responsables qui nous considèrent ainsi », hurle un jeune de Timizirt.
Les membres de comités de village menacent de fermer toutes les institutions de la région si le bureau de poste n’ouvre pas ses portes le plus vite possible.


2 Commentaires

  1. {{ La première est soupçonnée de transactions avec des pays placés sous embargo américain, et la seconde de favoriser l’évasion fiscale.
    sur le même sujet

    Au pénal. Les autorités américaines seraient sur le point de lancer des poursuites pénales contre les banques BNP Paribas, soupçonnée de transactions avec des pays placés sous embargo américain, et Credit Suisse, accusée de favoriser l’évasion fiscale, indique mercredi le New York Times.

    Selon le quotidien, qui cite des sources judiciaires, le régulateur des services financiers de l’Etat de New York Benjamin Lawsky a indiqué qu’il cherchait à « sanctionner lourdement » BNP Paribas mais qu’il n’irait pas jusqu’à révoquer sa licence.
    Incertitude sur le montant des sanctions encourues

    Dans le cadre de ce litige, qui concerne des paiements en dollars réalisés dans des pays soumis à un embargo comme le Soudan et ayant transité par New York entre 2002 et 2009, la banque française a prévenu mercredi qu’il y avait une « grande incertitude » sur les sanctions encourues. Le groupe indique dans un communiqué:

    « Les discussions qui ont eu lieu pendant le premier trimestre 2014 (…) montrent qu’il existe une très grande incertitude sur les sanctions qui pourraient être décidées par les autorités des Etats-Unis à l’issue du processus: il ne peut être exclu que la pénalité excède très significativement la provision constituée » (798 millions d’euros) à cette fin.

    Plusieurs banques ont déjà été sanctionnées pour ces faits, à l’instar d’HSBC ou de Standard Chartered. En France, Société Générale et Crédit Agricole ont indiqué être en discussion avec les autorités américaines sur des faits similaires.
    BNP Paribas plaider coupable ? Une première aux USA

    Selon le New York Times, les procureurs chargés de l’affaire cherchent à ce que BNP Paribas plaide coupable. Ce qui serait une première pour une banque aux Etats-Unis depuis 1989 (à l’époque, Panama Bank était poursuivie pour blanchiment d’argent provenant de la drogue). Ils doivent encore convaincre les régulateurs que cela ne mettrait pas la banque en péril.

    Le cas de Credit Suisse, soupçonnée d’avoir menti au fisc américain, devrait être résolu avant celui de BNP Paribas, indique enfin le journal.}}

  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda:_The_Formation_of_Men's_Attitudes

    {{Political vs. Sociological Propaganda: Political Propaganda involves techniques of influence employed by a government, a party, an administration, or a pressure group with the intention of changing the behavior of the public. The themes and objectives of this type of propaganda are of a political nature. The goals are determined by the government, party, administration, or pressure group. The methods of political propaganda are calculated in a precise manner and its main criteria is to disseminate an ideology for the very purpose of making various political acts acceptable to the people.[12] There are two forms of political propaganda, tactical and strategic. Tactical political propaganda seeks to obtain immediate results within a given framework. Strategic political propaganda is not concerned with speed but rather it establishes the general line, the array of arguments, and the staging of campaigns.

    Political propaganda reversed is sociological propaganda because the ideology is penetrated by means of its sociological context. Propaganda, as it is traditionally known, implies an attempt to spread an ideology through the mass media of communication in order to lead the public to a desired action. In sociological propaganda even media that are not controllable such as individual art work, films, and writing reflect the ideology allowing for an accelerated penetration of the masses and the individuals within them.[13]

    {{Sociological propaganda is a phenomenon where a society seeks to integrate the maximum number of individuals into itself by unifying its members’ behavior according to a pattern, spreading its style of life abroad, and thus imposing itself on other groups. Essentially sociological propaganda aims to increase conformity with the environment that is of a collective nature by developing compliance with or defense of the established order through long term penetration and progressive adaptation by using all social currents. The propaganda element is the way of life with which the individual is permeated and then the individual begins to express it in film, writing, or art without realizing it. This involuntary behavior creates an expansion of society through advertising, the movies, education, and magazines. « The entire group, consciously or not, expresses itself in this fashion; and to indicate, secondly that its influence aims much more at an entire style of life. »[14] This type of propaganda is not deliberate but springs up spontaneously or unwittingly within a culture or nation. This propaganda reinforces the individual’s way of life and represents this way of life as best. Sociological propaganda creates an indisputable criterion for the individual to make judgments of good and evil according to the order of the individual’s way of life. Sociological propaganda does not result in action, however, it can prepare the ground for direct propaganda. From then on, the individual in the clutches of such sociological propaganda believes that those who live this way are on the side of the angels, and those who don’t are bad.[15]}}

    Vertical vs. Horizontal Propaganda: Vertical propaganda is similar to direct propaganda that aims at the individual in the mass and is renewed constantly. However, in horizontal propaganda there is no top down structure but rather it springs up from within the group. It involves meticulous encirclement that traps an individual involuntarily in dialectic. The individual is led unfailingly to its adherence by talking about the dialectic until the individual discovers the answer that was set up unconsciously for him to find. Schools are a primary mechanism for integrating the individual into the way of life.

    Rational vs. Irrational Propaganda: Propaganda is addressed to the individual on the foundation of feelings and passions which are irrational, however, the content of propaganda does address reason and experience when it presents information and furnishes facts making it rational as well. It is important for propaganda to be rational because modern man needs relation to facts. Modern man wants to be convinced that by acting in a certain way he is obeying reason in order to have self-justification. The challenge is creating an irrational response on the basis of rational and factual elements by leaving an impression on an individual that remains long after the facts have faded away. Individuals are not compelled to act based facts but rather on emotional pressure, the vision of the future, or the myth.

    Agitation vs. Integration propaganda: Propaganda of agitation seeks to mobilize people in order to destroy the established order and/or government. It seeks rebellion by provoking a crisis or unleashing explosive movements during one. It momentarily subverts the habits, customs, and beliefs that were obstacles to making great leap forward by addressing the internal elements in each of us. It eradicates the individual out of his normal framework and then proceeds to plunge him into enthusiasm by suggesting extraordinary goals which nevertheless seem to him completely within reach. However, this enthusiasm can only last a short duration so the objective must be achieved quickly followed by a period of rest. People cannot be kept at in a “state of perpetual enthusiasm and insecurity”. Rebellion is incited by the propagandist who knows that hate is one of the most profitable resources when drawn out of an individual. Agitation propaganda is usually thought of as propaganda in that it aims to influence people to act. Integration propaganda, on the other hand, is a more subtle form that aims to reinforce cultural norms. This is sociological in nature because it provides stability to society by supporting the “way of life” and the myths within a culture. It is propaganda of conformity that requires participation in the social body. This type of propaganda is more prominent and permanent, yet it is not as recognized as agitation propaganda because it is more permanent manner. Basically, agitation propaganda provides the motive force when needed and when not needed integration propaganda provides the context and backdrop.}}


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