Kabylian Community outraged by a UK resident


ALGERIA (TAMURT) : An Algerian named Said Bensedira, residing in the UK, has made a clear call for a genocide in Kabylia in his last video. In addition to the fact that this individual is a notorious racist, he has clearly overstepped and abused the freedom of speech in the UK. As a consequence, many Kabylian organizations throughout Europe have condemned this criminal call and requested their respective embassies to seriously look into this matter and take appropriate juridical measures against Mr. Said Bensedira.

Among other outraged organizations that appealed to the UK embassies we can mention the Association Franco Kabyle (Marseille), Deutsch Kabylische Freundschaft and Association des Kabyles de Suisse.
The hate expressed in this video is by all means a discreet call to the Algerian military junta to take a criminal action at a large scale against peaceful Kabyle people. This is exactly how the extermination of 6 million Jews had begun at the dawn of the second world war.

Knowing the UK law in the matter of human rights protection and its clear aversion to any criminal call such as this one, particularly when issued by a UK resident, it is to be expected that severe actions will be taken against this person.

Association des Kabyles de Suisse
1030 Bussigny

Ambassade du Royaune-Uni
Attn. Her Excellency, Ambassador Jane Owen April 27th, 2021
Thunstrasse 50
3005 Berne

Dear Mrs. Ambassador,

On behalf of my fellow countrymen and women living in Switzerland, it is our Organization’s duty to report to you and your government the following information, which is a matter of serious concern for our people.

It came to our attention that a UK resident named Said Bensedira, a well-known webb influencer with a considerable audience has posted a video (see link below1) that clearly calls for a genocide in Kabylia. A look back at a recent history shows that such calls for murder are very often implemented either by individuals or, what worse, by governments.

This individual’s genocidal speech together with other similar sites, mainly Algerians, does encourage the Algerian Arab Muslim people and the military junta to take action against Kabyle people. As a result, since about two months, the Algerian Government has been launching false accusations against members of a peaceful Kabylian party (MAK), calling them terrorists2. Many innocent citizens are being arrested as I am writing down these lines. Needless to describe what happens next.

Kabylian people, with Berber roots, have a Millennial tradition of tolerance and peace that are known worldwide. At the same time, because their freedom, language and culture are threatened to disappear, they defend them fiercely and claim a full sovereignty over their territory. That is the only safeguard of their values and identity within an Arab Muslim hostile environment.

Dear Mrs. Ambassador, we ask your Government to take any appropriate juridical measures to make an end to Mr. Said Bensedira’s criminal activities and take him to court. knowing the UK justice in the matter of people’s right protection, I am confident that your government will meet my request.

Our President will be happy to meet you and further discuss this matter.

Yours faithfully
Cherif Kasdi
For the President

1- https://youtu.be/N8F-LZJlMgA
2- https://www.aps.dz/algerie/120981-une-dangereuse-conspiration-ciblant-l-algerie-fomentee-par-le-mak-devoilee

Deutsch-Kabylische Freundschaft e.V.
81249 München, 23. April 2021

I.E. der Botschafterin von Großbritannien
Frau Jill Gallard
Wilhelmstr. 70/71
10117 Berlin

Sehr geehrte Frau Botschafterin,

es gibt Leute, die die demokratischen Werte der westlichen Welt wie in GB ausnutzen. Demokratie bedeutet für solche Leute Schwäche des Rechtsstaates, in dem sie Unterkunft für sich und ihre Familie, aus welchem Grund auch immer, gefunden haben.

Herr Said Bensedira, algerischer Staatbürger, wohnhaft in GB, möchte die kabylische Bevölkerung explizit vernichten. Der Appel dieses „Influenzers“ stammt nicht von irgendeiner Diktatur der faschistischen Welt, sondern aus einem Territorium einer der ältesten Demokratien der Neuzeit unserer Erde.

Der DKF-Verein bittet Sie und die britische Regierung, alle legalen Maßnahmen zu treffen, um diesen Menschen vor die Justiz zu stellen. Großbritannien ist politisch moralisch verpflichtet, jegliche Bedrohung friedlicher Völker von seinem Boden ausgehend zu untersagen. Die Kabylen, ein Volk, das schon seit 1962 von der militärischen Diktatur Algeriens durch die Arabisierungspolitik in seiner Existenz bedroht ist, wartet auf die völkerrechtliche solidarische Stimme Großbritanniens. Der Vorstand des Vereins ist auch gerne bereit, sich mit Ihnen zu treffen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ahsen Enderle-Ammour
für den Vorstand der DKF e.V.


– https://tamurt.info/fr/2021/04/22/feux-croises-contre-les-kabyles/178576/
– https://youtu.be/N8F-LZJlMgA
– https://www.lematindalgerie.com/lappel-criminel-de-said-bensedira-contre-les-kabyles

 Solidarity association France Kabylie SFK Place Caire 13012 Marseille

Dear Honorable Ambassador,

We would like to draw your attention to a call for a massive extermination of the Kabyle population launched by a former Algerian secret service agent converted into a journalist and politician, propaganda agent of power, working in the United Kingdom (London).  Saïd Bensedira, now a politician, proposed to give a 24 hour deadline to all the Kabyles who do not support the independentists  to leave their territory to take refuge elsewhere then to bombard the whole region with chemicals to exterminate all those  who support the self-determination activists who have remained.  video

The words used by Bensedira are clearly a call for genocide, “These are my evil thoughts and I take responsibility for them”.
We call on the British authorities to intervene to put this man on trial in order to prevent the spread of terrorist ideas from your territory which has suffered from the acts of the Islamists.

Kader Dahdah
Phone: 0033 631903411
Marseille on 21/04/21


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