It’s Freiburg’s turn to crack open a bottle of champagne- it’s time to celebrate Yennayer 2966


DEUTSCHLAND (Tamurt) – Eagerness, excitement filled the hearts and minds of thousands of kabylies and amazighs living in different countries of Europe to celebrate the new year of amazighs ( Berbers) this year  January 12th 2966, that corresponds to the 1st January 2016, in one of the beautiful cities of Germany Freiburg.

Ironically,  “People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria”  is sending up to hundreds troops  and CRS (algerien security forces) to kabylia to ban such pacific people from  expressing their basic fundamental rights. In one of recent declarations from Amar Ghoul one of the ministers of Algeria proudly said on Ennahar newspaprer : ” Surely, I am not going to celebrate Yennayer.  I am Muslim and  I am not going to celebrate what  the infidels and the enemies of Allah celebrate.”  Kabylia doesn’t eat its words to respond to such hatred comes unceasingly from Algerian government: ” if Christians promise  the resurrection of Jesus Christ without question, kabylies believe in ” Jma3lima” which means ” in the name of all beliefs” that the kabylia will be resurrected soon  without question and live its liberty and its dignity again that she lost  in 1857.”

Lyazid Abid, vice-president of Provisional Government of kabylia and Dr Akli Kebaili to hold news conference speak  on the new year ” Yennayer” with attendance of Dda Hmed Amrioui the founder of  AXXAM N TMUSNI ” the House of knowledge”,  Hsen Ammor and other Kabylie Personalities without missing this year the beautiful singer Uli Rohde.

DKF, association Germany kabylie friendship and union is warmly inviting you to celebrate together the new year in January 23rd 2016. Think that the traditional delicious meal couscous with red wine  and some Champagne  will bring you to the dance floor Guys.

Aksil Amari,


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