Nessen abrid nexḍa-yas !


Leḥsab, tesneḍ kan ad tḥesbeḍ γer ssin, tezgiḍ tḥeṣleḍ ger sin ( iceṛqiyen d iγeṛbiyen ); teḍṛa yid-k am uγanim‑nni yellan γef yiri n wassif, ma isuḍ-d waḍu acarqi ad teknuḍ, yerna ad tseffireḍ, ma iṣuḍ-d uγaṛbi ad teknuḍ yerna ad tseffireḍ daγen. Mi teεyiḍ, ad teggaleḍ ur tekniḍ dγa ad terẓeḍ.

Tettgalaḍ ar temteḍ γef tutlayt-ik, kečč ur tezmireḍ ara ula ad tidireḍ fell-as, tettεeggiḍeḍ, tleḥḥuḍ, tcennuḍ γef tutlayt-ik kečč wisen ma yella tesneḍ ad tt-taruḍ. Tettnadiḍ γef tegmatt tγilleḍ d nettat i d ddwa n lhemm-ik, neγ d tifrat i d lhem-ik, mi itt-tufiḍ ak-tebḍu kteṛ n beṭṭu‑nni i k-yettbuddu weεdaw-ik. Tḥemmleḍ mi ara k-cuffen aqenduṛ, aqenduṛ-ik yezga yeddem-it waḍu, s ucuffu uqendduṛ i k-ttafen abrid, abrid-ik wissen ma yella yessufuγ?

Tessexdameḍ tutlayin‑nniḍen, tutlayt-ik tugiḍ-tt, teqqareḍ nnif d nek i d bab-is, tirrugza d nek i d imawlan-is, mmel-iyi-d anwa i la yettmeslayen tutlayt-ik nnig-k , akken tettmeslayeḍ tid‑nniḍen, mliyi-d ma tesneḍ ad tt-taruḍ neγ tebγiḍ-tt kan i lhem?

Ad temmteḍ isem ur t-kettbeḍ, tedreḍ d agujil, ad temteḍ d amengur ! Imseγret aγelnaw i tcennuḍ wissen ma yettmeslay fell-ak. Mi i d ak-d‑nnan isem-ik muqel di nnekwa ik-d-fkan ahat deg-s ad tafeḍ iman-ik ! Isem i d ak-fkan werǧin yeffiγ fell-ak, ma yella d win tebγiḍ wissen ma d-yilli yiwwas d ayla-k.

S wacu i tettzuxxuḍ ass-a, s cna d tmucuha ! Tutlayt-ik teǧǧiḍ-tt di timawit (deg imi) teqqareḍ tutlayt tebna γef wawal, awal mi d-yefeγ yeddem-it waḍu.

Ma yella tecfiḍ ay aqbayli γef win i k-yenna-n  » Win yebγan tamaziγt ad yissin tira-s « , kečč tesliḍ-as tenniḍ  » Nessen abrid nexḍa-yas « .

Anida-k ? Ma telliḍ s tidett ? Ayγeṛ ur telliḍ ara am kečč am medden ?


    • Azzul,
      A Murad Iranaten, ma yella thevghitt adegh tessehwatt skur, athan thewwittid nican. Ghass akken nekwni s yqvayliyen, thikwal, nehdhaj a ndjaâ

    • Tanemmirt a Murad ghef tmughli-inek .D-tidet nettsughu « tamazight »di lakul », maca di tilawt ur nezmir ara ad naru awal s teqvaylit. Tihûna nnegh, leqhawi nnegh, tirmisîn nnegh, urant akk s tefransist ! Amzun d lâiv ma nura : LQAHWA / TAHÂNUT / AGEZZAR / AGARAJ / TANEDLIST atg.. Zigh nugh-itt deg wallagh nnegh !
      I yicennayen i ycennun ghef « tmazight » ur ssinen ad ssutren deg imsizrigen-nsen (« éditeurs » ukartûn ) ad arun ghef tesfifin, taqvaylit war askêrfej d urkâd n illugan n tira, i d djan imezwura nnegh, ma drus tura nnig n 40 iseggasen-aya ! Anect-a yêdra-d deg talit, anda zaâma tamazight tekcem deg tmendawt. Yerna tafransist ur telli d tunsîvt ur yelli ghur-s a-« statut »* di Tmurt l-Lezzayer.Tesâa zher im-i deffir-s
      d leqrûn n TIRA.

      *Le français n’a aucun statut officiel mais jouit d’un prestige de fait,sociétal résultat de +130 ans d’occupation et d’enseignement obligatoire.

    • Azzul,
      A Murad Iranaten, ma yella thevghitt adegh tessehwatt skur, athan thewwittid nican. Ghass akken nekwni s yqvayliyen, thikwal, nehdhaj a ndjaâ

    • Tanemmirt a Murad ghef tmughli-inek .D-tidet nettsughu « tamazight »di lakul », maca di tilawt ur nezmir ara ad naru awal s teqvaylit. Tihûna nnegh, leqhawi nnegh, tirmisîn nnegh, urant akk s tefransist ! Amzun d lâiv ma nura : LQAHWA / TAHÂNUT / AGEZZAR / AGARAJ / TANEDLIST atg.. Zigh nugh-itt deg wallagh nnegh !
      I yicennayen i ycennun ghef « tmazight » ur ssinen ad ssutren deg imsizrigen-nsen (« éditeurs » ukartûn ) ad arun ghef tesfifin, taqvaylit war askêrfej d urkâd n illugan n tira, i d djan imezwura nnegh, ma drus tura nnig n 40 iseggasen-aya ! Anect-a yêdra-d deg talit, anda zaâma tamazight tekcem deg tmendawt. Yerna tafransist ur telli d tunsîvt ur yelli ghur-s a-« statut »* di Tmurt l-Lezzayer.Tesâa zher im-i deffir-s
      d leqrûn n TIRA.

      *Le français n’a aucun statut officiel mais jouit d’un prestige de fait,sociétal résultat de +130 ans d’occupation et d’enseignement obligatoire.

  1. azul,atan tenniḍ-d akk ayen yeḍran yid-nneγ, yettwakkes-aγ wayla-nneγ widak mi yeffeγ nnif fkan afus, (ammer mazal at nnif am widak-nni tenγa fransa, d widak-nni nγan nutni, tili ma εelqen-tt, yerna ma teḍrra akka, yid-nneγ twaγit-a n wass-a, maca ur ngezzem ara asirem, akken i s-yenna Muḥya: mazal lxir ar zdat, deg tura ilaq-aγ a tt-nγer meẓẓi meqqer, ad yili kan awanek »adabu » ara tt-iḥemmlen, i wakken a d-yefk ttawil-ines n tidet, ur nettkal ara γef wagi n tura i tt-ikerhen.

    • Azul a gma d awal n tidett i d-tennid ka, macci drus i yedran yid-negh: tewwid-d agzul i d-xedmed ghef wayen akk yughen tamurt n yiqbaylyin. Tanemmirt tameqrant, afud igerzen, kemmel kan akken gher sdat yelha wayen akka i txedmed.

  2. tha-glizith tha-Rumith negh tha-russith, nek ghur’y tha-qevaylith th’iph i-thent dhi kulshi…(ay yaanan tha-meslayth, eyH :))

    Benadem ur y’ehSa ara ashu u geruj ig (ye)llan dhi the-qevaylith. Ashu iwaaR adtas adtas ats th’arudh (ayen umu y qaren « la transcription’ s ‘th-Rumith).

    Ad ini’gh thi-dhets: ur yi thaajiv ara Tamazight aken ts tsarun asa agi, xas qevlegh ‘ts skud ulac thayeDH nin (solution provisoire ou intermédiaire), thin its yiphen.

    Ma nezmar ad naph thira issehlen,yernu thin y-laqen, as eni medden adh vedhun adha agh d’slen, adh ren deHen n’sen: imiren adh vedhun adh tsarun s theqvaylith.

    Thanemith nwen.

    • Ur nezri ara d acu i tebghid ad tinid s wannect-a ( solution provisoir!) amek akka mmlagh-d? yerna d tira-agi i s-d-turid ur nesehha ara, ma yella d isekkilen n tlatinit macci n trumit, ahat tebghid ad tinid mazal ur tufi ara iman-is akken iwata, gher sdat d tssiwe awid kan ad tt-naru. atan kec ur te3rided ara ula ad tarud s tagi yellan, i wakken ad tinid ma teshel, tlaq negh ala! a D.S

      • Azul Liliane,

        Ma therra themara ana aru s thagi y’ellan, ulash ughiliph, ashu y laq adh hefedhegh thira yagi uwimi iseman « Tamazight s thlatinit ».

        Maana ayen y veghigh ad inigh dhayen eniDHen: nek aq li yi ats nadhigh tsawil niDHen amek ana aru tha-qevaylith. Tsusema nek ats menigh adh tsaligh thidhets seg iZuRan n’ tameslayth tha-qavalytlith: dhashuth wa, dhashuts tha aken ad vegenegh azal dh lqima i thesaa the-qevaylith.

        Ma n’edder adh y’ughziph laamaR, thagunits ad heDHeR, thaqvaylith ad pherari, ats jujeg, ats nernu…

        Ar thuphath.

        • Azul a DS
          Vghigh kan akseqsigh : d acu u ghvel i theseîitt akw d u sekkil « F », negh « f » ?

          • Azul,

            1. F aken dhi th’latinith;
            2. PH aken igella dhi ellinika (le grec).

            PH (F) aqevayli y tsemshavi gher win nath ellin (grec).

            Yernu V aqevayli izmer ula dh netsq adh yili dh VH. Aka ith tsarugh dhi we blog iynu.

            Aygher? Ima nigh agd athan PH, VH s theqvaylit iga am P s th’latinith negh s ellinika (grec), negh dhi thi-phinagh n’zik (phenicien), ashu kan P tsun medden imi tha-meslayth negh the qeHeR-its thaarboubith anda ulash V dh P.

          • azul, bγiγ kan a d-fkeγ awal-inu γaf ugemmay-agi n Mass D S nekk akken walaγ yettakk anzi ar ugemmay n Mass Baḥbuḥ(Leḥsen Amaziγ)akka i s-qqaren deg Birxaddem, acku netta seg zik d ameγnas n tmaziγt. Ihi a gma kunwi akka iẓewren tettnadim ad tgem isekkilen i s-iwulmen i tutlayt-nneγ i wakken ad tgerrez ad tennerni, tura aql-aγ newweḍ-d ar wanda iḥettem wakud ad tali kan yiwet n tira, imi aṭas ila i lemden tamaziγt, daγen kunwi iẓewren akka deg unadi,ilaq ad dukklem ad tgem amtawi i ubaγur-ines. Ma d nekkni akken d-tennam ad naru, amedya zik yella « V » yuγal yettwakkes, yuγal tura rran-t-id.

  3. azul,atan tenniḍ-d akk ayen yeḍran yid-nneγ, yettwakkes-aγ wayla-nneγ widak mi yeffeγ nnif fkan afus, (ammer mazal at nnif am widak-nni tenγa fransa, d widak-nni nγan nutni, tili ma εelqen-tt, yerna ma teḍrra akka, yid-nneγ twaγit-a n wass-a, maca ur ngezzem ara asirem, akken i s-yenna Muḥya: mazal lxir ar zdat, deg tura ilaq-aγ a tt-nγer meẓẓi meqqer, ad yili kan awanek »adabu » ara tt-iḥemmlen, i wakken a d-yefk ttawil-ines n tidet, ur nettkal ara γef wagi n tura i tt-ikerhen.

    • Azul a gma d awal n tidett i d-tennid ka, macci drus i yedran yid-negh: tewwid-d agzul i d-xedmed ghef wayen akk yughen tamurt n yiqbaylyin. Tanemmirt tameqrant, afud igerzen, kemmel kan akken gher sdat yelha wayen akka i txedmed.

  4. tha-glizith tha-Rumith negh tha-russith, nek ghur’y tha-qevaylith th’iph i-thent dhi kulshi…(ay yaanan tha-meslayth, eyH :))

    Benadem ur y’ehSa ara ashu u geruj ig (ye)llan dhi the-qevaylith. Ashu iwaaR adtas adtas ats th’arudh (ayen umu y qaren « la transcription’ s ‘th-Rumith).

    Ad ini’gh thi-dhets: ur yi thaajiv ara Tamazight aken ts tsarun asa agi, xas qevlegh ‘ts skud ulac thayeDH nin (solution provisoire ou intermédiaire), thin its yiphen.

    Ma nezmar ad naph thira issehlen,yernu thin y-laqen, as eni medden adh vedhun adha agh d’slen, adh ren deHen n’sen: imiren adh vedhun adh tsarun s theqvaylith.

    Thanemith nwen.

    • Ur nezri ara d acu i tebghid ad tinid s wannect-a ( solution provisoir!) amek akka mmlagh-d? yerna d tira-agi i s-d-turid ur nesehha ara, ma yella d isekkilen n tlatinit macci n trumit, ahat tebghid ad tinid mazal ur tufi ara iman-is akken iwata, gher sdat d tssiwe awid kan ad tt-naru. atan kec ur te3rided ara ula ad tarud s tagi yellan, i wakken ad tinid ma teshel, tlaq negh ala! a D.S

      • Azul Liliane,

        Ma therra themara ana aru s thagi y’ellan, ulash ughiliph, ashu y laq adh hefedhegh thira yagi uwimi iseman « Tamazight s thlatinit ».

        Maana ayen y veghigh ad inigh dhayen eniDHen: nek aq li yi ats nadhigh tsawil niDHen amek ana aru tha-qevaylith. Tsusema nek ats menigh adh tsaligh thidhets seg iZuRan n’ tameslayth tha-qavalytlith: dhashuth wa, dhashuts tha aken ad vegenegh azal dh lqima i thesaa the-qevaylith.

        Ma n’edder adh y’ughziph laamaR, thagunits ad heDHeR, thaqvaylith ad pherari, ats jujeg, ats nernu…

        Ar thuphath.

        • Azul a DS
          Vghigh kan akseqsigh : d acu u ghvel i theseîitt akw d u sekkil « F », negh « f » ?

          • Azul,

            1. F aken dhi th’latinith;
            2. PH aken igella dhi ellinika (le grec).

            PH (F) aqevayli y tsemshavi gher win nath ellin (grec).

            Yernu V aqevayli izmer ula dh netsq adh yili dh VH. Aka ith tsarugh dhi we blog iynu.

            Aygher? Ima nigh agd athan PH, VH s theqvaylit iga am P s th’latinith negh s ellinika (grec), negh dhi thi-phinagh n’zik (phenicien), ashu kan P tsun medden imi tha-meslayth negh the qeHeR-its thaarboubith anda ulash V dh P.

          • azul, bγiγ kan a d-fkeγ awal-inu γaf ugemmay-agi n Mass D S nekk akken walaγ yettakk anzi ar ugemmay n Mass Baḥbuḥ(Leḥsen Amaziγ)akka i s-qqaren deg Birxaddem, acku netta seg zik d ameγnas n tmaziγt. Ihi a gma kunwi akka iẓewren tettnadim ad tgem isekkilen i s-iwulmen i tutlayt-nneγ i wakken ad tgerrez ad tennerni, tura aql-aγ newweḍ-d ar wanda iḥettem wakud ad tali kan yiwet n tira, imi aṭas ila i lemden tamaziγt, daγen kunwi iẓewren akka deg unadi,ilaq ad dukklem ad tgem amtawi i ubaγur-ines. Ma d nekkni akken d-tennam ad naru, amedya zik yella « V » yuγal yettwakkes, yuγal tura rran-t-id.

          • Azul,

            Ad rnuɣ deg awal-ik.

            Leḥsen Baḥbuḥ seg widak yefkan tudert-nsen ɣef Tmaziɣt. Ihi nḥemmlit . Yernu isem-is ad yegru deg umezruy i lebda.
            Maca tamsalt n tmussini dayen nniḍen. Tal tutlayt s imessnawen-ines. Akenni ula d Tamaziɣt. Tamsalt n tira (qrib) frant imesnilisen ( les linguistes). Ihi teddez tebrez. Ur d-tqim tuzzya tunnḍa . Ass-agi d uguren nniḍen ara nefru ( amawal, tasniremt- terminologie-, tabidugujit n Tmaziɣt ar tagara).

            Ma d widak-agi yesberbiren i waḍu, anef-asen ad mmeslayen ar d aɛyun ad uɣalen ad ssusmen. Nekk ɣuri ur uklalen ara ula d tiririt.

          • {{dha shuth w’awal agi « { { {Ma d widak-agi yesberbiren »..} } }.???}}

            as thinidh dhe regmath n t’nudhin (:

            tha-qvaylith machi tsa-ferka inek, negh n’ Si Lvachir negh n dadak Si Muh.

            thevghedh negh medaH, adh ylin widh ad y salin thira nedhen.

            iHi ma ur ki iHwara wayagi, ech aqaRuk 🙂

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