Amazigh North Africa, the West, and the Arab-Islamic Tyranny


Why does the West continue to help despotic, apocalyptic Arab-Islamic sects to lock democracy, human secular freedom and individuals’ and peoples’ fundamental human rights behind the walls of the liberticidal, totalitarian and fossilized Islamic dogma?

The true liberation of tyrannized Amazigh North Africa lies in the ultimate restitution of its true Amazigh identity, the revival and promotion of its Amazigh languages, and the restoration and reconstruction of its democratic and secular ancestral civilization. Amazigh North Africa is more than fed up with the long-lasting tyrannical, terroristic and genocidal yoke of diabolical Arab-Islamism that has been stifling its existence and life by depriving it of its wealth, identity, memory, human freedom and its democratic secular culture for so long. Strongly incensed and outraged, the Native North African Amazigh peoples, with their legendary ancestral lands, spirits, and Gods, vigorously denounce the corrupt Western governments’ hypocrisy and duplicity.

What is good for Western peoples is also good for North African Amazigh peoples. What is harmful for Western peoples is also harmful for North African Amazigh peoples. What the Western world wants is what the Amazigh world wants. Secularism is the base for peace, democratic human freedom, creativity, happiness, and prosperity.

The West must fulfil its international humanistic and moral obligations by abolishing its support for the wicked, enslaving, genocidal Arab-Islamic tyranny—which wilfully destroys the existence and destiny of Amazigh North Africa with state-sponsored predatory monotheistic despotism, barbarism, multifaceted terrorism, anti-Amazighism, repression, forced Arabization, dead knowledge, annihilating acculturation, falsehood, ignorance, intolerance, hatred, racism, discrimination, injustice, indignity, pillage, corruption, abuse, underdevelopment, poverty, darkness, and despair.

It goes without saying that the despotic denial of peoples’ identity or existence is an act of terroristic mass annihilation that calls into question the humanity of mankind.

21 Commentaires

  1. {{Colonial Arab States in a Stateless Amazigh World}}

    In Tamazgha—the Amazigh peoples’ ancestral homeland comprising the whole region of North Africa—there is no Arab people at all. There are only democratic, secular Amazigh peoples who are being colonized, tyrannized and exterminated by fascistic, totalitarian, genocidal Arab-Islamic states. How comes that these colonial, genocidal Arab-Islamist states are still pushed by their craziness to want to establish a “United Arab Maghreb » in a continent or a region of the world where there is no Arab people but only insignificant pseudo-Arab immigrant minorities from different lost Middle Eastern ethnic origins? Or do these fascistic, genocidal Arab-Islamic states still want to make of Tamazgha an Arab colony?

    It is now time for these colonial, tyrannical Arab states, which are still living in the barbaric illusions of the Islamic imperialistic obsession of the 7th century, to give up their criminal mythical enterprise and get back to reality to acknowledge the Amazighness of North Africa and espouse the construction of a genuine Democratic, Secular Federal Amazigh State in Tamazgha. In addition to that, these colonial Arab-Islamic states must admit that it is illogical and intolerable to embed annihilating Arabism and Islamism into the distinct Amazigh identity of Tamazgha, since these latter are nothing but foreign colonial acculturative weapons used to erase the existence, identity, and culture of all the Native North African Amazigh peoples.

    In fact, if “Arabity” (i.e. Arabism) and “Islamity” (i.e. Islamism)—which are for the Amazigh peoples nothing but the latest foreign cultural impositions or intrusions—are to be used or accepted as marks of identity for Tamazgha, then why not include all those colonial cultural intrusions that the Amazigh peoples have experienced before and after the devastating Arab-Islamic colonialism, such as Judaism, Christianism, Hellenism, Romanism, Iberianism, Turkism, and Frenchism.

    Tamazgha has made the oath to not stop struggling until its natural Amazigh identity is restored by all means necessary. All the Native North African Amazigh peoples will continue to fight hand in hand to free themselves and their homeland by kicking the barbaric, genocidal Arab-Islamic colonialism out of North Africa.

    Long live free Kabylia!

    Long live free Tamazgha!

    P.S. [Please read a related article in French->]

  2. {{Colonial Arab States in a Stateless Amazigh World}}

    In Tamazgha—the Amazigh peoples’ ancestral homeland comprising the whole region of North Africa—there is no Arab people at all. There are only democratic, secular Amazigh peoples who are being colonized, tyrannized and exterminated by fascistic, totalitarian, genocidal Arab-Islamic states. How comes that these colonial, genocidal Arab-Islamist states are still pushed by their craziness to want to establish a “United Arab Maghreb » in a continent or a region of the world where there is no Arab people but only insignificant pseudo-Arab and Muslim immigrant minorities from different lost Middle Eastern ethnic origins? Or do these fascistic, genocidal Arab-Islamic states still want to make of Tamazgha an Arab colony?

    It is now time for these colonial, tyrannical Arab states, which are still living in the barbaric illusions of the Islamic imperialistic obsession of the 7th century, to give up their criminal mythical enterprise and get back to reality to acknowledge the Amazighness of North Africa and espouse the construction of a genuine Democratic, Secular Federal Amazigh State in Tamazgha. In addition to that, these colonial Arab-Islamic states must admit that it is illogical and intolerable to embed annihilating Arabism and Islamism into the distinct Amazigh identity of Tamazgha, since these latter are nothing but foreign colonial acculturative weapons used to erase the existence, identity, and culture of all the Native North African Amazigh peoples.

    In fact, if “Arabity” (i.e. Arabism) and “Islamity” (i.e. Islamism)—which are for the Amazigh peoples nothing but the latest foreign cultural impositions or intrusions—are to be used or accepted as marks of identity for Tamazgha, then why not include all those colonial cultural intrusions that the Amazigh peoples have experienced before and after the devastating Arab-Islamic colonialism, such as Judaism, Christianism, Hellenism, Romanism, Iberianism, Turkism, and Frenchism.

    Tamazgha has made the oath to not stop struggling until its natural Amazigh identity is restored by all means necessary. All the Native North African Amazigh peoples will continue to fight hand in hand to free themselves and their homeland by kicking the barbaric, genocidal Arab-Islamic colonialism out of North Africa.

    P.S.[ Read a related article in French->]

  3. Towards the ultimate liberation of all the Native North African Amazigh peoples and the setting up of a genuine Amazigh Federal State in North Africa.

    How is it that despotic and Islamist Arab states are imposed in democratic and secular Amazigh countries?! This diabolical geopolitical aberration must be urgently corrected; there must be no Arab state in North Africa–the homeland of the Amazigh peoples.

    The struggling Amazigh peoples are now sounding the death knell of the tyrannical, terroristic and genocidal Arab-Islamist imperialism in their homeland—North Africa.

    P.S. [Please read the full transcript (in French) of a related article.->]

  4. Total absence of government emergency support to the snow wave affected families in Kabylia. The racist Algerian colonial Arab-Islamist government—which deprives the Amazigh Kabyle nation and people of their right to self-determination and self-governance—is guilty of non-assistance to people in danger!

    Fortunately, the Movement for the Autodetermination of Kabylia (MAK) is there on the ground doing its best to help the isolated high montain villages and all those helpless affected families abandoned to their fates. Besides, the Provisional Government of Kabylia is calling for funds to avert a humanitarian disaster in the wake of the wave of snow.

  5. This refresher course is for the genocidal Arab-Islamist despots and their ignorant subjects who devalue our Amazigh Kabyle language spoken since immemorial times and written since several centuries B.C.—very long before the invention of imperialistic Islam and the emergence of written Arabic as a vehicle for it.

    Scientifically speaking, every language is a dialect, and every dialect is a language. But politically speaking, a language is a dialect with a state; whereas a dialect is a stateless language.

    – Sample text in Kabyle language

    Imdanen, akken ma llan ttlalen d ilelliyen msawan di lḥweṛma d yizerfan-ghur sen tamsakwit d lâquel u yessefk ad-tili tegmatt gar asen.

    – Translation

    All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
    (Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

    • total contradiction with your contents. On one hand, you insult and demean a whole population as a genocidal arab islamist etc etc…and on the other hand, you list below an article of human right that states we should have the right to live in peace and in the brotherhood.
      For your info, Muslims HAVEN NEVER INVADED any country in the entire world and never attacked or enslaved people or even occupy a land that is not theirs but Islam has reached all four corners of the planet. Seemingly in north africa, the same has happened since 3000 years ago. Islam was not there when the first Arab contingent arrived purely under commerce purposes and have settled thereafter mixing with the locals. Those Arabs were not muslims. this happened 1000 years before JC.
      So where did you get these infos from to allow yourself to say that the Algerian gov has done this and that?? Why didn’t this happen before during the past colonisations during ottoman era or french era or well before that? What is your excuse to continously complain about unfounded elements and preaching falsehood? Unless you know the true version of the past facts, then come up with some real arguments, otherwise, silence is highly appreciated.

      However, if you are against Islam, the problem doesn’t lie withing the Arab thing bla bla but purely against the religion itself. A true believer would never say such comments. Islam arrived much later when a prophet’s companion requested help from the Berbers to conquer Egypt. and later conquer Rome. it is the same people who have engaged war to these two past powers. It is by order of the calliphate in Medine. the berber attribute has nothing to do with kabyle or amazigh. Berber dervies from a higly regarded man from the arabian peninsula who settle as stated above, 1000 years BC and has merged with the locals. His name is BURRO IBN QUAIS hence the alliance of the locals who have adopted his name after the creation of the constitution thus institutionalising the region and later became Berbers in reference to his name as Barabira in arabic and not BARBARS as many believe (i don’t wish to be a barbAr but prefer to be a berbEr). Centuries later, before conquering Egypt, Amr Ibn El Aas (may Allah agree him) has come forth to these Berbers and asked them to join his army to strengthen the rest of his army. so he went to the chief in place and said in arabic » wafden min kabaile burro ibn quais » which translates i need the men of burro ibn quais known for their bravery and courage. the chief and the locals said, we are ready to take islam as a religion, accept to conquer egypt, and to be positionned in the front of the army . An immediate decision was to me made prompt. So Amr ibn el Aas sent some of his men to Medine and asked the Chief of the Believers (calife Omar ibn el Khattab) May Allah agree him. When Omar heard about the Berbers that have accepted such deal, he was moved emotionally and bursted in tears to which he replied….These are the people that the Prophet Mohammed Peace upon him has spoken upon. So the situation that was about to happen in that region was no stranger to the Prophet since he heard about them already. After the conquest of Egypt, egypt failed to the muslims and the same men ie the berbers have fought the Romans during 200 years, Rome also failed to the muslims and some roman dignitaries were taken to north africa for economic and strategic reasons and have set home and flourished the local economy. Upon hearing about the Berbers , the italic latin roman language has called them as Barbarus due to the prononciation which differs from arabic. Later in wikipedia, they call us Barbares . I hope this will help you clear the confusion in many of you and clear animosity that you hold against your own brothers and sisters. arab or not, amazigh or not, tergui or not…the main is to be Algerian and proud. Salam

  6. {{Independence or Death!}}

    Deep inside every dignified Kabyle man and woman, there is an intimate and profound conviction that without the independence of Kabylia, the Kabyle nation and people are running straight to their loss. Any other option will only perpetuate our condition as a colonized people until our total extermination by the tyrannical, fascistic and genocidal colonialism of the terroristic Algerian regime.

    Like all the colonial Arab-Islamic regimes imposed in the Amazigh world (Tamazgha), the bestial and racist Algerian regime has been built on the totalitarian, imperialistic and annihilating Arab-Islamic mythology that justifies the subjugation, the enslavement and the extermination of all the Native North African Amazigh peoples, who populate the whole region of North Africa.

    Without self-determination, our survival as a people is truly at risk. Therefore, we must stop procrastinating! We must fight for our independence right now!

    Long live free Kabylia! Long live free Tamazgha!

    P.S. Read the [full transcript (in French) of a related speech->,2296.html?lang=fr] delivered by the Kabyle Minister of International Relations, Lyazid Abid, at Saint-Jean-Baptiste Society of Montreal on 18 February 2012.

  7. A rally in solidarity with the struggling Amazigh people of Azawad will be held on Saturday, February 4th, 2012, at 3: 00 PM, in front of the French National Assembly in Paris. The presence of everyone is so important not only to the liberation of Azawad, but also to the liberation of all Tamazgha (North Africa) from fascistic, terroristic and genocidal Arab-Islamist despotism and imperialism.

    – « [Rassemblement de solidarité avec l’Azawad à Paris->,3244.html] »

  8. Thanks for your contribution Izemrasen, unfortunately the West don’t care at all about the fate of our people in North Africa. In one hand they chant and claim humain right, freedom and democracy and in other hand they support and sustain those tyrannic and despotic regimes.
    I believe firmly that any change and progess towards freedom, the restoration of our identity and our way of life must stem from within, not from the outside.
    Undoubtedly such huge endeavour will need tremendous efforts, intelligence, rising awareness amongst our people, but it’s achieveable.

  9. It’s no mystery to anyone that all the tyrannical, fascistic and genocidal Arab-Islamist bastard states imposed by the West in North Africa—the Amazigh homeland—are nothing but tools of criminal Western imperialism in the Amazigh world. The Western-imposed genocidal Arab-Islamist tyranny in the Amazigh ancestral homeland—Tamazgha—must be urgently ended !

    • It’s no secret to anyone that monotheistic religions are nothing but tyrannical imperialistic genocidal weapons in the hands of antihuman despots!

      -[ Listen to the testament of the famous Amazigh writer, Kateb Yacine.->]

  10. WARNING: Amazigh Peoples’ Human Rights Are in Danger!

    Although no genuine Libyan government has been set up yet, the anti-Amazigh European and Arab-Islamist news media that persist to ignore the existence and the human rights of the Amazigh peoples who populate the whole region of North Africa are transforming the Libyan Amazigh people’s issue into chaotic antigovernmental activism.

  11. Here below is a third update on the above topic for our precious readers:

    {{Peoples’ Human Rights in Danger: The Western- Arab-Islamist tyranny is being reinstated in Tamazgha}}

    We are witnessing the renewal of the imperialistic, colonial, despotic and genocidal Arab-Islamist tyranny in Amazigh North Africa. Why is it that despotic and Islamist Arab states are imposed in democratic and secular Amazigh countries?! The oppressive, barbaric and plundering Arab-Islamist despotism and imperialism must be driven out of North Africa to allow the Amazigh peoples to be free. All the Amazigh peoples have long been under the yoke of a Western-sponsored totalitarian Arab-Islamist domination.

    Let us recall that the various Native North African Amazigh peoples have been resisting and fighting against the bestial successive foreign dominations of their homeland since prehistoric times. Nobody can thus tolerate that, even in this 21st century, Libya’s ancestral Amazigh identity, language and culture are once again denied by the newly Western-instituted racist Arab-Islamist government.

    All the civilized nations of the world must support the liberation of the democratic, secular and humanistic Amazigh peoples.

    Read more about this hidden issue:

    1- [« Libya’s Amazigh: Natural Allies of Democracy and the West »->’s-amazigh-natural-allies-democracy-and-west]
    2- [« Excluded from cabinet, Libya’s Berbers fear isolation »->]
    3- [ « Stop the Cultural Genocide Carried out Against the Berber [Amazigh] Nation of Libya by the Qadhafi Regime »->]
    4- [« Libya, as Part of the Berber [Amazigh] Nation, Must Withdraw from the Arab League. Report Submitted to UNESCO »->]

  12. {{Here below is another update on the above topic for our precious readers:}}

    While Islam—the latest totalitarian pharaonic monotheism—has become a tyrannical and genocidal weapon in the hands of Euro-Arab rapacious imperialistic despots, the Arab God Allah has definitely come to be viewed by the rationalistic Kabyle people as the lord of predatory, barbarous and bloodthirsty gangsters everywhere natural human reason and democratic secular humanistic freedom are abolished.

    Indeed, genocidal despotic Arabism and Islamism are behind the ongoing oppression and extermination of Native North African Amazigh peoples .

    The Arab Islamists’ anti-Kabylism or anti-Amazighism is a crime not only against humanity, but also against the will of God who created all people and peoples free and equal.

    The world must urgently put an end to the extermination of the Kabyle people by the terroristic Arab-Islamist tyranny of Algiers!

    [Welcome to my book’s Facebook webpage->]

  13. Two answers to your question, below in bold:

    {{ {Why does the West continue to help despotic, apocalyptic Arab-Islamic sects to lock democracy, human secular freedom and individuals’ and peoples’ fundamental human rights behind the walls of the liberticidal, totalitarian and fossilized Islamic dogma?} }}

    1. They created the monster, and to do so, they found amongst Africans IDIOTS to outsource it to.

    2. Africans continue to believe in Human dialogue with Neanderthals – Fundamental mistake !

  14. {{Here below is an update on the above topic for our precious readers:}}

    The Provisional Government of Kabylia (PGK) as well as the Movement for the Autonomy of Kabylia (MAK) strongly denounced the intolerable international contempt for Native North African Amazigh peoples’ cultural identity. It’s high time for the international community to acknowledge that North Africa is the ancestral homeland of the democratic secular Amazigh peoples, who have never accepted to be identified as Arabs. Genocidal despotic Arabism and Islamism must not be converted or embedded into an identity of the oppressed Amazigh peoples for the sake of anti-human economic and geostrategic calculations.

    – [PGK’s declaration->,533.html?lang=fr]

    -[ MAK’s declaration->]


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